Project 52 - Weeks 29-35, 37-41, 43 | Documenting My Everyday Life

October 23, 2015  •  2 Comments

So I'm incredibly behind on my personal project, especially the blogging part of it. I guess this is what happens when fall hits. I have gone completely out of order in some cases, so I will still label them with the week/theme even though they weren't necessarily taken during that week. Here are my images from the last few months!


Week 29 | Balance/Playtime

We try to balance our lives with trips to the beach and my son loves to play in the sand so this image fit perfectly for this week's theme. 

child playing at the beach, Fernandina Beach, FLWeek 29 | Balance/PlaytimeCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 30 | Simplicity 

I love the simple things in life that excite children, like jumping and chasing the waves, one of my son's favorite things to do at the beach!

child jumping at the beach, Fernandina Beach, FLWeek 30 | SimplicityCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 31 | Flare

I'm not much of a flare person but the light over our little neighborhood pond was perfect when we took a walk one evening this summer and I was able to capture this shot.

child at a pond, sun flareWeek 31 | FlareCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 32 | Doorknobs

I was really hoping to capture a neat old doorknob down in our historic district when I participated in a photo walk with some other photographers, but it seems there aren't any cool old doorknobs so I went loose with this theme and this isn't technically a knob but I love the red door.

Week 32 | DoorknobsCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 33 | Motion

We spent the evening at the beach the day before the supermoon and the sky was beautiful so I wanted to try to catch a glimpse of the moon and the sky in an image. My son loves to run in the waves (in case you haven't noticed yet!) so his motion and the motion of the ocean worked perfectly for this theme!

child running in the waves, Fernandina Beach, FL, sunset, full moonWeek 33 | MotionCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 34 | Water

I wanted to mix things up a bit and not do yet another ocean photo for this theme and I hadn't tried a bath time image yet so I filled the tub with bubbles and attempted several different shots. My son loves bath time, especially when it involves bubbles! He was pretending to drink the bubbles and I captured this shot and just love the mischievous look in his eyes. 

Week 34 | WaterCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 35 | Waiting

I love yoga and my son likes to try to follow along when I do it at home so I bought him his own mat and a story time yoga dvd that he really enjoys. This was him waiting for the dvd to begin.

boy on yoga matWeek 35 | WaitingCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 37 | Books

We are big book readers in our house and my son loves being read to and will "read" books to himself quite often. I had just finished dishes and looked up to see him reading with a trail of books strewn on the floor and the light was amazing so I grabbed my camera and snapped this shot. These are the moments I want to remember!

Week Copyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 38 | Abstract

My high school art teachers will tell you that I am not much of an abstract artist. I had one teacher who really pushed me to do something more abstract with my sculptures and get me to think more about creating and less about trying to copy nature perfectly as I had always tried to do before. It really opened my creativity and I started to let go of some of my perfectionism when it came to my art. I still don't think very abstractly but I loved the double exposure theme so I wanted to play a little more and try a triple exposure. I ended up with this image, and though I wish the image of my son was the last image taken (putting it on "top") I couldn't pass up that expression!

triple exposure in cameraWeek 38 | AbstractCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 39 | Nature

We went for an impromptu hike in the woods at Crooked River State Park. We ended up hiking a decent trail and it was hot out but we made it. I took this toward the beginning of our trek when we still had tree cover and a boardwalk to walk on.

Crooked River State Park, walking trail, child, Saint Marys, GAWeek 39 | NatureCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 40 | Look Up

Looking up in the tree for leaves starting to change color.

boy in treeWeek 40 | Look UpCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 41 | Half

This is one of my favorite images. I love that I captured this look of concentration complete with tongue that my son sometimes gets. He was taking pictures with my phone while I was taking pictures of him. I put it for this week's theme since you can only see half of his face, haha. 

look of concentrationWeek 41 | HalfCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Week 43 | Look Down

Sometimes when you're climbing, you have to look down to make sure you've properly placed your feet! My son is a little monkey (and he gets it from is daddy!).

boy climbing swingsWeek 43 | Look DownCopyright Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Thanks for following along with my project! Which image from this post was your favorite and why? I'd love to know!




Kimberly Tank Art & Photography


Want help capturing the beauty of your every day life? Contact me for more information on your custom portrait session!


Kimberly Tank Art & Photography, LLC
Thank you Belinda! That one is my favorite too! Mostly because of the tongue but I loved the dirt on his face too.
Belinda Groover(non-registered)
I love all of them, but I especially like week 41. The dirty face, the tongue and all. To me, it shows a little boy being a little boy! I love watching my grand babies in their own little world and wonder what they are thinking. Keep up the good work! You are a great photographer.
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Kimberly Tank is an award-winning professional photographer in Rockledge, FL, servicing Brevard County on the Space Coast in Central Florida (including Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, Satellite Beach, Merritt Island, Viera and surrounding areas). Using natural light and custom on location sessions, Kimberly Tank specializes in photographing families from babies to seniors and commercial clients, both on land and underwater; providing an exceptional customer experience and helping save you time and preserve this chapter in your life's story. Kimberly Tank is a proud member and ambassador of National Association of Professional Child Photographers.

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